By: admin On: October 29, 2019 In: Uncategorized Comments: 0

The benefits of playing hockey might be obvious to most people who are already deeply ingrained in the sport.

For those who have little or no experience with hockey, however, some convincing might be in order. After all, everyone who loves the sport now was a beginner with no exposure at one point.

With that in mind, here are five reasons parents should sign their kids up for 8U hockey:

Fun, Fun, Fun

This is the place to start with any sport, but particularly hockey says Kenny Rausch, a regional manager for USA Hockey’s American Development Model.

“The main reason it’s fun is that it’s unique,” Rausch said.

Indeed, there aren’t many sports like it. A puck? Skates? Ice? What happened to running around with a ball? But that’s the fun of it. …Continue Reading on ADMKids.com

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